weblogic and scala

source code demo here


A demo of using Scala with Weblogic to create an EJB for a Tuxedo call and a webservice. Both of these result in some JMS to eventually send a request to Google Gmail API.

You will need to setup Gmail first, see 


And then for the very first time run

./demojar/src/main/scala/bernardjason/weblogic/ \


which has a main function that will for the very first time open a browser and grant permissions for app to access Gmail.

Demo uses Weblogic 12.2

** to install weblogic plugin (I have Weblogic installed in /software/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home)

cd /software/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/ \


mvn install:install-file -DpomFile=oracle-maven-sync-12.2.1.pom -Dfile=oracle-maven-sync-12.2.1.jar

mvn com.oracle.maven:oracle-maven-sync:push -Doracle-maven-sync.oracleHome=/software/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home

and verify it

mvn help:describe -DgroupId=com.oracle.weblogic -DartifactId=weblogic-maven-plugin -Dversion=12.2.1-2-0

things to change (path from /src/weblogic to where ever you cloned to) example.properties change the paths UBB.src change all entries containing jasonb-Aspire-V3-771 to your hostname as well as path tuxedo/env.sh change the path

Make sure JAVA_HOME is set to JDK18

** to create weblogic domain

export JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -DUseSunHttpHandler=true"

Need JAVA_OPTIONS for Gmail api and to make sure weblogic starts quickly on linux.


mvn com.oracle.weblogic:weblogic-maven-plugin:create-domain \

-DdomainHome=/src/weblogic/demowls/maven-domain \
-DdomainTemplate=/src/weblogic/demowls/cluster.jar \

-Duser=weblogic -Dpassword=123dummy

This uses the cluster.jar as a template for weblogic plugin to make the domain

You can change the admin port using

cd /src/weblogic/demowls/maven-domain/
. ./env.sh
java weblogic.WLST ChangeAdminPort.py

just be warned that the script bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh wont be updated just config.xml

Start domain by

cd /src/weblogic/demowls/maven-domain/
mkdir -p servers/BJManagedServer1/security
mkdir -p servers/BJManagedServer2/security
cp  ./servers/BJAdminServer/security/boot.properties \

cp  ./servers/BJAdminServer/security/boot.properties \


./startWebLogic.sh &
bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh BJManagedServer1 &
bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh BJManagedServer2 &

cd /src/weblogic/demowls

create Tuxedo user

. ./maven-domain/env.sh
java weblogic.WLST CreateUser.py

create Tuxedo domains

. ./maven-domain/env.sh
java weblogic.WLST CreateWTCResources.py

create JMS Server

. ./maven-domain/env.sh
java weblogic.WLST JMSServer.py

create JMS module and queues

. ./maven-domain/env.sh
java weblogic.WLST JMSModule.py


the tuxedo bit

cd tuxedo

update env.sh

. ./env.sh
cd config
tmloadcf -y UBB.src
dmloadcf -y BDM.src
tmboot -y
edit ud.in and change email address
ud32 -i ud.in

./mvnw package

may need install so myeclipse works

./mvnw install
./mvnw eclipse:myeclipse

to deply to weblogic server

./mvnw integration-test