play rest swagger and some google charts

I’ve got an article published in Linux Format issue 214 Rest,Swagger and Play with a demo application using Google Charts to display a timeseries overtime. There are 2 demos, one tracking the share price of BT compared to FTSE 100 and the temperature difference between London and Darlington.

The share price information uses Yahoo’s YQL to query a source of stock quotes

The temperature information is available from Open Weather Map API

The database for Play implementation is Sqlite. The play implementation is 2.4 as 2.5 was too fresh to support Swagger at the time. I wanted to show how easy it is to add Swagger annotations to a simple interface.

Finally as it’s Play it was easy to deploy this to Heroku. Albeit changing the database from Sqlite to Postgres. See

and the 2 charts

Source code is available here

weather chart
stock chart